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New Life Ministry

Fred Meyer: Working Together Makes a Difference

“I want to do something to help, but I just have no idea what to do!”

When people learn that I work for Portland Rescue Mission, that’s one of the most common statements I hear from them. Every one of us can see all too clearly the suffering of those in our community who are struggling with homelessness, but it’s easy to feel paralyzed and helpless, not knowing quite what to do to help them.

That’s why Portland Rescue Mission (PRM) is committed to not only serving men, women, and children who have been impacted by homelessness, hunger, hardship, and trauma but also to educating and equipping others to do so as well. As a result, we are grateful to work with a robust network of community support, including individual, church, and business donors; over 750 volunteers who serve individually and within groups; and a huge volume of in-kind donations of food, clothing, and so much more from generous and compassionate individuals, families, churches, and local businesses. Together, our impact is multiplied, and we’re able to offer warm meals, compassionate services, and life-changing programs to thousands of hurting people in need.

The First Step to a Second Chance

One exceptional local partner that exemplifies this kind of collaboration is Fred Meyer. For the past decade, Fred Meyer has touched the people we serve through many avenues of partnership with PRM. For years, a group of Fred Meyer employee volunteers served meals and threw a monthly birthday party for our guests at the Burnside Shelter. Fred Meyers has given countless Fred Meyer gift cards to incentivize generous giving for our telethons. And this year, in an unprecedented show of support, they chose to provide funds to cover every single meal we serve in the month of April. That includes every meal at all three of our service sites throughout Portland: The Burnside Shelter, The Harbor, and Shepherd’s Door.

The meals Fred Meyer is providing this month for our guests and program participants will do so much more than just feed hungry bellies. The meals we serve at the Burnside Shelter are what we often call, “The first step to a second chance,” and many of those who enter and graduate from our programs and go on to lead healthy, self-sustained lives first met us via a meal. Through supporting this vital program, Fred Meyer is helping us meet a critical need for thousands of people while providing the hope and opportunities that ultimately lead hundreds to transform their lives entirely each year.

The needs of our community are great, but our friends at Fred Meyer are showing that there is something we can do about it. Their intentional service and ongoing generosity have helped countless people to find sustenance, hope, and a pathway forward. Thank you, Fred Meyer, for standing with us in this worthwhile work!

