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What Can 235 Socks Do?

Instead of swapping ugly sweaters and re-gifting unwanted presents, a local Portland youth group did something different this Christmas.

They gave socks.

Not to each other. To homeless people.

Bashing the notion that teens are self-absorbed, students from Mosaic church demonstrated true giving and Christmas spirit by collecting 235 pairs of socks for Portland Rescue Mission to give to hurting men, women and children.

Compared to the overwhelming problem of homelessness, 235 pairs of socks may not seem like much. But IT IS.

It’s 235 interactions our staff and volunteers will have with homeless men and women as we hand out the socks. 235 moments of grace in which God’s love is present in a practical way. 235 bits of comfort for tired, wet and cold feet. 235 deeply hurting souls who will know kindness.

Out of those 235 interactions, relationships will develop. Trust will build. Many will come back for more help. Some will choose to enter our recovery program. Some will escape the life of homelessness, addiction and abuse they’ve been trapped in.

Thanks, Mosaic students, for 235 more opportunities to reach out to hurting people.
