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December Glimmers

Happy 2018! As we look forward to the new year, it’s important to take a moment and remember the lessons learned in the last. It can be easy to move forward without taking the time to reflect, especially when some of the most lasting lessons are learned in our lowest moments, those we’d like to forget. Life can seem like an endless, exhausting journey of highs and lows. But through it all, God demonstrates his love for us in ways both large and small. Whether he uses you to encourage someone, or sends someone along to encourage you, it’s important to remember those moments through all the chaos around us.

“My soul is quiet and waits for God alone. My hope comes from Him. He alone is my rock and the One Who saves me. He is my strong place. I will not be shaken.”- Psalm 62:5-6

Take a moment today to reflect on the last year, remembering a time when you found hope in God, a glimmer in the dark.

Here are some “Glimmers” from the men and women at our long-term recovery programs over the past month:

“Last Christmas I was homeless sleeping in a van fighting to stay warm. I went for a walk on Christmas morning to the local soup kitchen only to find it closed. I was so hungry and lonely and could smell Christmas Dinners being cooked all over the neighborhood but had nowhere to go. This Christmas I am celebrating 7 months sobriety on Christmas Day, warm and surrounded by all of my sisters here at Shepherd’s Door. I have so much to be grateful for! Thank you Portland Rescue Mission and Praise You Jesus, I give You ALL of the Praise and Honor.” – B

“A big thank you to the lovely ladies from Shepherd’s Door who cleared the snow and ice from the sidewalk to the parking lot!” – Admin

“Through his [God’s] love, he’s allowed me to re-connect with my daughter after 20 years. The greatest gift I’ve prayed for was given out of his love for us both.” – Anon

“I’ve been blessed with a home, food, clothes and new friendships. I’ve been reunited with family. I have 11 months sober and a relationship with Jesus Christ. All these things are within the last year. These are the things I hope to never take for granted.” – M

“God has worked in my life today by bringing me to The Harbor, a place where I can rest in his presence, learn his word and help others. I am extremely blessed and humbled today.” – B
