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Burnside Shelter

Send a special card for our Birthday Party for the Homeless

Our annual Birthday Party for the Homeless is back! And if you want to be part of the festivities this year, now is your chance.

On Monday, May 11, many of our homeless guests will get a chance to celebrate something, that for many of them, they haven’t experienced for years. Many hurting men and women down at our Burnside Shelter will get the chance to celebrate their birthday!

Will you help us let them know they are not forgotten this year?

If so, one of the most personal and engaging ways you can do this is by sending them a birthday card with an encouraging note inside. (We have a special card for kids to color as well). To do this, download the birthday card from our site and send it through the mail to one of the many homeless men and women we have the privilege of serving. Your words could be the most encouraging communication they have had in a long time. Birthday cards are due back by Monday, May 4, to make sure they are ready for the next week’s celebration.

In addition to your card, give a hurting person the best birthday gift ever — hope for a new life. Your special birthday gift donation of $16 gives a man, woman or child 10 hot, nutritious meals as part of our Hope Ministries at the Burnside Shelter.

See below for a short video from last year’s festivities.
