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5 great reasons to volunteer at Portland Rescue Mission

At Portland Rescue Mission, we have over 1,000 volunteers that help us give hope and restore life to the men, women and children suffering from homelessness and addiction. Without the faithful service of our compassionate and loving volunteers, we would not have the manpower to offer the vast array of help and services that we…

131 April 8th, 2016 0
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5 reasons why you should join Portland Rescue Mission for a PARTY!

We’re throwing a birthday party for our guests at the Burnside Shelter. And we need your help making this celebration extra special! Here’s 5 reasons why you should party with Portland Rescue Mission. 1. Everybody loves a birthday Many of the people who come to us haven’t celebrated a birthday in years. We take this…

116 April 1st, 2016 0
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‘Nurturing with food,’ how one volunteer loves Shepherd’s Door

It was a serendipitous visit. Stephanie Whittle came to Shepherd’s Door to donate a guitar. Little did she know that day would be the beginning of many visits. “I ended up here. I dropped off the guitar and I just stayed,” she said with a smile. “I fell in love with it.” Stephanie’s forte is…

129 March 9th, 2016 0
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Art at the Burnside Shelter inspires hope, encourages creativity and dreams

It’s noon on a Thursday at the Burnside Shelter. Thursdays are a good day. The Guest Care Center door is open and art and color and the sharing of life takes place. Step inside and you’ll meet Andrew and Erin. Both on staff at Portland Rescue Mission, the two wanted to create a place where…

132 February 12th, 2016 0
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One family makes a difference, inspires a Portland school to make care kits

Did you know there are about 4,000 people on the streets of Portland experiencing homelessness? Did you know that YOU can change that statistic? There are many creative ways to join the fight against homelessness. Every time you volunteer, give or even talk about Portland Rescue Mission, you make a difference. IT ALL STARTS WITH…

123 February 2nd, 2016 0
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UPS volunteers deliver hope at the Burnside Shelter

For over nine years, so much has changed at Portland Rescue Mission. Transitions have happened, improvements have been made to facilities, new programs have been created and yet, amid all the changes, one thing has remained consistent: Breakfast on the fourth Thursday of the month. With Mark Lasof leading the way, the UPS volunteers have…

123 January 11th, 2016 0
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Teen accepts challenge to clean out closet, gives proceeds to Shepherd’s Door

At only 15 years old, Delana’s life took a surprise detour recently at a youth conference with Village Baptist Church. As her fellow students each pulled a card that challenged them to do something “out-of-the-box” for God, Delana’s card took it to the next level. She was to simplify her life by selling all but…

126 January 6th, 2016 2
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Dress for Success blesses Connect women for Christmas, and you can too

For the men and women in our Connect program, one of their primary goals is to transition off the streets and into housing and permanent employment. Connect is a three-to-four month program that provides the stability needed for men and women to re-focus, catch their breath, and pursue their goals. While they are with us,…

135 December 17th, 2015 0
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Students at ACCESS Academy inspire school to build care kits

“Why don’t we just feed them?” “Can we help them get a home?” “Why didn’t you stop and help them?” These are just some of the compassionate, yet very important questions a couple of us on staff here at Portland Rescue Mission have heard our kids say before. They are also questions that some of…

127 December 9th, 2015 0
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Tim Lang says yes to ‘strange adventures’ at Portland Rescue Mission

Tim Lang made a decision: No matter what Portland Rescue Mission asked him, his answer would be yes. “I told God I’m here, this is where you want me to be and so obviously, anything the Mission wants from me is what you want from me, and I’m going to say yes,” he explained. “It’s…

137 December 9th, 2015 0
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