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Shepherd's Door

Homeless Women Face Incredible Danger

From Street Roots, I feel like a target—assualts on women run through Portland She is neatly dressed, wearing a clean pair of jeans, a sweater, and raincoat. At 47 years, her short hair is streaked white. Homeless for the first time in her life, C moved to Portland three years ago and worked for temping…

128 January 14th, 2010 0
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A Widow’s Grief

From Jan, a staff member of Portland Rescue Mission: Maria* is a young woman whose husband died six months ago.  As part of her process for working through her grief, she wrote a letter to God:  Dear God, If I knew how I felt, I would tell you. But I don’t.  Sometimes I’m sad, but…

185 March 4th, 2009 0
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