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From Hawaii to Portland with nowhere to go, Megan finds safety at Connect

Little things make a huge difference for the women in our Connect program. Often coming from very difficult situations, and incredibly challenging circumstances, the women at our Burnside Shelter find blessings in the unlikeliest of places. “Just sitting on a couch compared to a hard chair is a luxury,” Megan described. “A hot shower is…

129 February 10th, 2016 0
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After ‘dying,’ Christine lives again at Shepherd’s Door

The fact that Christine is here today is nothing short of a miracle. “I’ve struggled with drug abuse and alcoholism most of my life along with the destruction that comes with that,” she said. “Jails, hospitals, psych wards, all of that. I’ve been suicidal most of my life.” But the pain Christine was feeling was…

124 February 3rd, 2016 0
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One family makes a difference, inspires a Portland school to make care kits

Did you know there are about 4,000 people on the streets of Portland experiencing homelessness? Did you know that YOU can change that statistic? There are many creative ways to join the fight against homelessness. Every time you volunteer, give or even talk about Portland Rescue Mission, you make a difference. IT ALL STARTS WITH…

122 February 2nd, 2016 0
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Kat’s love for plants realized in herself at Shepherd’s Door

Kat loves plants. In fact, she’s downright passionate about them. But there’s a flipside to that affection: Kat loathes fake plants – something she emanates to everyone around her. “Since Kat came in to Shepherd’s Door, she’s always been so authentic and real,” said Julia Richmond, a Growth Leader at the New Life Ministry for…

125 February 2nd, 2016 0
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Dan desperately wanted help, and The Harbor answered

At Portland Rescue Mission, we often see people come through our doors with wounded hearts and dim futures. But, many of those lives have been restored … and all through the hope given by your support. A perfect example of this is Dan, who might not be alive today without help from friends like you. He…

118 February 1st, 2016 0
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Transform lives at Portland Rescue Mission, one month at a time

One day at a time. One week at a time. One month at a time. One life at a time. Thanks to the consistency of friends like you, that’s how the lives of  men, women and children suffering from homelessness and addiction are being transformed at Portland Rescue Mission. Since we don’t receive government funds, it is only because…

118 January 21st, 2016 0
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Then and now: Melissa sees life through a different lens at Shepherd’s Door

Meet Melissa, who just one year ago walked through the doors of Shepherd’s Door. We asked her to take a look at her badges and think for a moment about then versus now. How has she changed? What’s different about her spirit and her outlook on life? Here’s what she said … (She looks at…

113 January 15th, 2016 0
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UPS volunteers deliver hope at the Burnside Shelter

For over nine years, so much has changed at Portland Rescue Mission. Transitions have happened, improvements have been made to facilities, new programs have been created and yet, amid all the changes, one thing has remained consistent: Breakfast on the fourth Thursday of the month. With Mark Lasof leading the way, the UPS volunteers have…

122 January 11th, 2016 0
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Winter clothing, blankets needed: Keep guests warm at Portland Rescue Mission

Our supplies of blankets and winter clothing to help people in need are running low. Will you help stock our closets at Shepherd’s Door, The Harbor and the Burnside Shelter? This winter, Portland Rescue Mission will provide warm clothing to countless people, easing their suffering and protecting their health. For people sleeping outside, we provide daily…

133 January 7th, 2016 0
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Teen accepts challenge to clean out closet, gives proceeds to Shepherd’s Door

At only 15 years old, Delana’s life took a surprise detour recently at a youth conference with Village Baptist Church. As her fellow students each pulled a card that challenged them to do something “out-of-the-box” for God, Delana’s card took it to the next level. She was to simplify her life by selling all but…

125 January 6th, 2016 2
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