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About Homelessness

Mondays at the Mission: Ep 17 – Up And Running Again

This week’s edition of Mondays at the Mission features Justin from Up And Running Again, an organization that helps rescue missions all over the country create a program for their addiction recovery residents to run a half marathon. Their philosophy is that if a person can train to run a half marathon, then there should be nothing stopping them from getting a job or reconciling with their family.

Justin has been working alongside Hunter, one of our past graduates who now works part-time at the Mission, helping guys in our men’s addiction recovery program at The Harbor as they train to complete their half-marathon next month. Ten men from the Harbor and 6 volunteers have faithfully trained over the past several months and are excited to see all their hard work pay off next month!

ALSO WATCH: Hunter’s Story of Hope 

Watch Justin’s Video Here
