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About Homelessness

Chef Turns Down Lucrative Career to Feed Starving Neighbors

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Narayanan Krishnan had a great job. He was an award-winning chef working at a 5-star hotel in Switzerland. But when he returned home to his native India to visit family, what he saw there changed everything. 

Watch his powerful story brought to you by CNN to see how his care and compassion for people that used to be his neighbors is uncontainable – leading him to sacrifice his own career ambitions to serve those who have nothing.

Watch his video here.

Hungry, hurting people don’t just reside in India. They aren’t just in remote African villages, either. They are right here in our city. In Portland. Some are obvious – they sleep downtown on sidewalks and under bridges. Others are hidden, women and children struggling to survive as they bounce from cars to basements to friends’ couches. But they need help.

They need our help.

Make a difference today by supporting Portland Rescue Mission. We’ve been on the front lines of homelessness in Portland for 65 years. We offer emergency services – meals, showers, and beds – as well as addiction recovery programs and programs to help men  and women transition off the streets into housing and jobs.

There are many ways to help. Consider donating needed items like jackets, pants, underwear, or food. Financial donations help us meet the most pressing needs at the time. We’re also always looking for committed volunteers to work in a variety of positions. For a full list of ways you can join the Mission, click here. 

Thank you for your life-giving support!
