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Shepherd's Door

Women Find Rest and Healing at Shepherd’s Door

A recent article by the Gresham Outlook tells the stories of how two women hit rock bottom in their addiction and shame – and how they were saved by God’s grace through the ministry at Shepherd’s Door.

by: OUTLOOK PHOTO: CARI HACHMANN - Kyra is ready to put her cooking passion to work and focus on her children after completing the recovery program at Shepherds Door.

From the article: “Women find shelter, tools to rebuild their broken lives”

Kyra lost touch with everyone in her family. She lost all of her possessions, except for her car, which she started living out of. As if things couldn’t get messier, she found out she was pregnant. Too ashamed of her life to tell anyone, she packed her belongings and left to have her baby at the shelter.

Kim Schoene was jobless and living in the dark, literally, using her electricity money to buy meth. Her five children had been taken away by their father years ago. She had taken a final blow to the head by her abusive boyfriend, their relationship shredded by the greed and craze of a meth addiction.

Schoene, 38, finally decided, “I wanted a different life.”

by: OUTLOOK PHOTO: CARI HACHMANN - Kim Schoenes new favorite hobby is reading in the library of the womens shelter.

At Shepherd’s Door, tragic stories like these walk in the door more often than you can imagine. But through the unique recovery environment and compassion of the staff at Portland Rescue Mission, these heartbreaking pasts are transformed into bright, hopeful, Christ-centered futures.

The New Life Ministry at Shepherd’s Door features:


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>>Read the full article here
