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10th Annual Birthday Party!

Every year in May, Portland Rescue Mission throws a birthday party for our guests at the Burnside Shelter. This year marked the 10th annual Birthday Bash!

The community came together to contribute to the party, sending in handmade birthday cards from local schools and churches. Shari’s provided pies for the celebration, Groundwork Coffee Co. supplied warm drinks and Melody’s Angels made goodie bags for guests – filled with essentials like socks and toothbrushes.



“A lot of our guests have not felt celebrated or had a birthday in a long time,” said Erin Hall, Church Partnership Specialist at Portland Rescue Mission. “This is just something extra special we can do for them.” Volunteers and staff members transformed the Burnside Shelter’s chapel area into a welcoming space for guests to celebrate and feel valued. “We do karaoke, we do crafts, we eat lots of pie,” Hall explained, “I love people’s enthusiasm and excitement. They have a great time!”

