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Hope Ministries

New Life Recovery in the Great Outdoors


Summer is a perfect time to take advantage of the great outdoors. Living in the Northwest makes a trip to the beach or even to Mount Hood a doable excursion.


Here at Portland Rescue Mission, we are maximizing the sunny days by getting outside, “being in relationship with one another, enjoying God’s beautiful creation,” said Dallas Lange, Director of New Life Ministries.


“The men in the New Life Recovery Program at The Harbor have been hiking, enjoying Silver Falls. The women at Shepherd’s Door took a trip to the coast and to the Gorge­––enjoying God’s Word, focusing on Him and growing in recovery.”


The outdoors is a valuable place for recovery­­––building healthy memories and relationships.


“Addictions recovery isn’t just about simply getting clean and getting a job,” said Arianne, a running coach for women at Shepherd’s Door. “It’s building new habits and routines where others were taken out.”


That’s just what our men, women and children are doing: getting healthy and having fun without substances.

“Find a way to plug in and come alongside somebody,” said Dallas. Join us in our outdoor excursions, play with kids, or run with our running team.


To volunteer, APLLY HERE or email volunteer@pdxmission.org to find out more.

The Harbor men, hiking at Silver Falls.
